Facebook-owned company WhatsApp has adopted several ways to stop Fake News. WhatsApp has made it easy for people to talk to each other. From chatting to video and voice calling, users can talk to each other through it. If you talk about spreading news or news, WhatsApp Groups plays a vital role in all of these.
WhatsApp is claiming that its platform is end-to-end encrypted. But few people know that WhatsApp collects every user’s metadata and sends them to law enforcement agencies. When the Police Department is asked, information on the name of the user, IP address, mobile number, location, mobile network and mobile handset type can be found. Not only this, the police can also know Who you are chatting with when and for how long. There are no separate rules for WhatsApp users in India. In such a case, under the Information Technology Act 2000, if you break any of the following laws on WhatsApp, you may be arrested by the police.
This can be done by working on WhatsApp:
WhatsApp Group Admins can be sent to jail to talk to another member of the group in a poor way.
Promote any kind of business on WhatsApp.
Sharing the converted photo of any important person.
Bothering a woman.
Using a WhatsApp account in the name of someone else
Writing wrong messages against any religion or caste or misinterpreting a place to worship.
Promote Fake News on any sensitive issue.
Promoting and selling banned products
Sending video clips of people filmed illegally on WhatsApp or WhatsApp