Telecom company Reliance Jio started on September 5, 2016. Since the launch of this service, data usage and calling figures have increased in India. After the commercial launch of Geo, the company chairman Mukesh Ambani became Asia’s richest person. After this, Geo stepped into the feature phone segment and then broadband market from Telecom Service. although,jio did the testing of his network from September 28, 2015. After the testing, the company took some time to launch it. Since its launch, three years have passed. The company has managed to establish its footprint in the last three years. Here we are giving you information about this company’s achievement of three years.
February 2017: The company added 100 million subscribers
On September 28, 2015, the company started testing its network, after which it was launched nationwide on September 5, 2016. From 5 months i.e. i.e. to 2017, the company had added 100 million i.e. 10 million users. Considering, adding so many subscribers to any telecom service provider so quickly was no less than a success. The company provided free data and voice calls for 3 months, after which this free service was extended for another three months.
April 2017: Subscription plans and prime membership
Jio ran its free service from September 2016 to March 2017. After this the company introduced some plans. At the same time, Rs 99 was offered by the Prime Minister, whose validity was of 1 year. If a user wants to take prime membership, then he will have to recharge Rs 399 with 99 rupees. With that validity of 84 days, the number of users was given 1GB data per day. Now this plan is getting 1.5 GB data.
June 2017: The company added 200 million subscribers
9 months after the launch of the service, the company touched 20 million users Geo has increased faster than any social media platform like Facebook and Twitter.
July 2017: JioPhone Launches
On 21 July 2017, Mukesh Ambani launched a 4G feature phone at the company’s AGM meeting. Since then, the company has also become a phone manufacturer from Telecom Service Provider. This phone foxed directly to users of 2 tires and 3 tier cities. Geo said that 500 million people are using feature phones in the country due to which they are unable to use the 4G service. At that time JioPhone became the best-seller feature phone.
July 2018: JioPhone 2 Launch
JioPhone 2 was launched a year after the launch of JioPhone. It was launched with the Qwerty keypad. The company has given a tough competition to its competitors through this phone. This phone was introduced with Quarty Keypad and 4G support.
September 2018: Geo Users Using 240 Crore GB Data
In September 2018, Geo completed his two years in the telecom sector. The company has given tough competition to the companies in the telecom sector in two years. The company had said that mobile data consumption has increased 20 million GB per month, after which it reached 370 million GB. In this, only Geo users are consuming 240 GB data per month. This month, JioPhone also got support for Whatsapp, Facebook and YouTube.
October 2018: Jio users reach 250 million
According to a report by Trai, users of GeoS reached 250 million this month. This company was ranked third in the telecom sector according to the users’ statistics. Apart from this, JioPhone’s 60 million units were sold till this month. At the same time, this month Geo had bought Hathway. Also started testing JioGigaFiber.